Trusted Dog Chiropractor

Florida Well-Adjusted Animals: Your Trusted Dog Chiropractor

Is your dog facing challe­nges with mobility or discomfort that affect its daily routine­s? Here at Florida Well-adjusted Animals, we understand how challenging it can be seeing your be­loved pet struggle with pain or stiffne­ss. This is why our tailored dog chiropractor services in Boynton Be­ach and Vero Beach are fully committe­d to helping your pet discover relie­f and regain its zest for life.

Why Consider Dog Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic care isn't just about addre­ssing symptoms for dogs—It's about nurturing their overall wellbe­ing and enriching their quality of life. Discove­r how our specialized service­s can positively impact your dog:
Enhance Pain Relief: Effective treatment for back pain and joint discomfort without the need for medication.
Improved Mobility: Helps restore proper joint motion, allowing your dog to move freely and comfortably.
Enhanced Quality of Life: By addressing underlying issues, your dog can enjoy a more active, pain-free life.


Tailored Care for Tail-Wagging Results

Dr. Michele­ Morissette, our license­d animal chiropractor, brings years of expertise­ to the table. Rather than just treating symptoms, she believes in uncovering and tackle­ the root cause of your belove­d pet's discomfort. Whatever musculoske­letal issues your furry friend is de­aling, our holistic approach alleviates that and promotes natural he­aling.

How to Tell if Your Dog Needs a Visit to Us

There are specific signs you can watch for:

Pain or Discomfort: If your dog winces, growls, or cries out when touched, lifted, or petted, it may indicate underlying spinal issues.

Mobility Challenges: Noticeable difficulty in climbing stairs, jumping onto furniture, or getting up after lying down could be signs of joint problems. 

Behavioral Changes: If your dog shows unexplained aggression, anxiety, or mood swings, spinal discomfort may be the cause.

Altered Gait or Lameness: Changes in how your dog walks, including limping or an uneven gait, can signal that a chiropractic assessment is needed.

Unusual Sitting Postures: The “Puppy Sit,” where a dog sits with one leg out to the side, can be a sign of spinal misalignment.

Excessive Licking or Chewing: Dogs often lick or chew their paws excessively when they experience discomfort, which may stem from nerve or joint pain.

If your dog exhibits any of these symptoms, it may be time to consult with us at Florida Well-Adjusted Animals.

Common Issues Resolved Through Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractic care can address a wide range of issues that affect your dog’s comfort and overall health.
Florida Well-Adjusted Animals specializes in treating:

Back Pain: Back pain in dogs is common, whether from injury, aging, or genetics. Our dog chiropractic service provides back pain treatment in Boynton Beach, and Vero Beach provides relief through gentle, non-invasive adjustments.

Joint Stiffness: Aging often leads to joint stiffness in dogs, limiting their mobility. Our targeted dog chiropractic for joint stiffness treatment in Boynton Beach improves flexibility and range of motion.

Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD): IVDD is a serious spinal condition that can cause severe pain or paralysis. Our specialized care helps relieve pressure on the spinal cord, reducing pain and improving mobility.

Limping: Limping can result from trauma or chronic conditions. Our dog limping treatment in Boynton Beach identifies and treats the underlying cause to restore comfort and mobility.

Hip Dysplasia: Common in larger breeds, hip dysplasia causes pain and mobility issues. Chiropractic adjustments help manage symptoms, reduce pain, and improve movement.

Chronic Conditions: For chronic issues like arthritis or spondylosis, regular chiropractic care manages pain and maintains mobility, enhancing your dog’s quality of life.

Chiropractic Care for Agility Dogs

Agility dogs are athletes, and like human athletes, they require specialized care to maintain peak performance. We understand the unique needs of your agility dog and offer tailored chiropractic care to keep them at the top of their game. We can:

• Enhance flexibility and range of motion

• Improve balance and coordination

• Reduce recovery time after competitions

• Prevent injuries and maintain optimal health

Why Florida Well-Adjusted Animals For Your Dog’s Chiropractic Care

Choosing the proper care for your dog is crucial, and here’s why Florida Well-Adjusted Animals should be your top choice:

Expertise You Can Trust: Dr. Morissette, a licensed animal chiropractor, offers gentle, effective care for dogs. Her extensive training and experience ensure tailored treatments for optimal results.

Personalized Care: We recognize each dog's uniqueness. Our approach involves understanding your pet's specific condition, lifestyle and needs before creating a treatment plan.

Non-Invasive Techniques: Our chiropractic adjustments are safe, drug-free alternatives to surgery or long-term medication. We work with your dog's natural healing abilities.

Commitment to Wellness: We focus on maintaining health and preventing future issues. Regular chiropractic care can improve your dog's quality of life and longevity.

Schedule Your Dog’s Chiropractic Assessment Today

Don't let your faithful companion suffe­r in silence. We’re here to help your dog live a pain-free, active life. Contact us now to schedule­ a consultation and experience­ the profound impact of our specialized Dog Chiropractic back pain tre­atment and other chiropractic se­rvices in Boynton Beach for your dog.